Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Texas Legislature Sends Education Backwards

Welcome !

This blog is designed to combat the backwards move of public education in the United States with a focus on Texas.

The incredibly arrogant...misguided Texas legislature just sent the governor a bill (HB3) to sign..

Letter below is addressed to the entire Texas legislature who passed this bill unanimously.

In a technology driven society, you voted in favor of a bill that leaves the burden on schools to teach technology classes yet removes the requirement that even 1 student must take the class to graduate. As a technology teacher this decision makes me want to scream. I have former students whose skills learned in high school tech classes helped them get jobs to play for their college education. These former students are everything from elementary teachers to engineers.

Colleges are wanting students that take more technology classes and you just set that back with your vote of YES on HB3.

Texas has a pregnancy rate that is exploding. Your vote for HB3 - removed the required health class in public high schools. Please explain the reasoning for this.

In the 2 years since your election - Public Education funding is still a joke as you steal from those with money to lower us all.

Currently the United States trails the world in college graduates in the areas of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Forecasts are a shortage at the least...of 1 MILLION jobs that will be outsourced in order to be filled.

Most graduates in these areas in US universities are students who were exposed to some technology classes in their high school education.

And what does Texas do - votes that NO students need to take a technology class in high school.

And the insult to public schools - you are required to teach these classes- buy this equipment - hire these teachers- but NO sutdents are required to take the classes.


CALL THE GOVERNOR - 512-463-2000

1 comment:

  1. Just received this in email

    Dear Governor Perry:

    I am contacting you to request you to strongly consider a Veto of the recently passed House Bill 3, as it contains provisions (pages 30-31) that would eliminate the High School graduation requirement of a Technology Applications course.

    On behalf of the Academic Relations Group at Microsoft Corporation, and in conjunction with discussion with teacher members of the Texas Computer Educators Association (TCEA), I believe that in eliminating this requirement, this bill will:

    1. Disserve the students of Texas who will graduate into an intensively competitive job market that will put a premium on technology skills

    2. Undermine the competitive ability of Texas businesses who will depend on technology skilled workers to compete with other businesses throughout the world.

    The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics continues to project technology-based occupations as among the fastest growing in the next decade. And in the recently revised report from the National Academies, “Rising above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future”, a clear and conclusive case is made for the fundamental need of a technologically educated and proficient workforce.

    While I cannot speak to the many other provisions of the bill, I do feel strongly on the potential harm this particular provision can have on the citizens and businesses of Texas and the United States and again encourage you to consider not passing this bill as it stands.


    James K. Pinkelman, Ph.D.

    Senior Director of Academic Relations

    Microsoft Corporations

