Monday, May 3, 2010

Stupid Leadership.....Stupid Parents.....STOP THE STUPIDITY

This one has to be shared....

Community School - mid size..... somewhere in Texas...
Problem......Community Allowed/Sponsored Annual Liquor Party .
....during baseball season.

Coach decides to take a stand ....makes a contract with the players and their parents.. If you attend the party, you are off the team..... parents and players sign it. THIS IS A REAL COACH!!!

Everyone in the area knew the party was coming .
Responsible parents....kept their kids home that night....

Sure enough players attend the party...Someone takes pics with a camera phone..
Coach tells a number of varsity players (as many as 9 ?) - you are off the team.

Insert stupid AD...and idiot Principal ... Say .... Coach ...this is too harsh....lets suspend them for 2 games.

Then at AD and Principal's request....... one game game (rained out ) is counted as the second suspension.

All the players return to the team.....
(hand slap accomplished...behavior reinforced)

Then after some public backlash.....AD resigns....goes elsewhere....
(Yeah ....hope you do not get this loser.....)

Apparently the moronic principal was allowed to keep his job.

And meanwhile.....the community allowed alcohol party.....gears up for next year...

And we wonder why people think education has sank to new depths....

If this writer ever gets word of the date and location for this annual me - I will be more than happy to call every law enforcement agency in the area...Stick a few parents in jail...and end this stupidity.

we fail to hold the students & PARENTS...responsible